Monday, October 11, 2010

たれぱんだ, きもの、とけっこんしき

みんなは ブログに ペットの(pet) しゃしんを のせています。でも、 いぬも ねこも かっていません。(But I don't have dogs or cats.)

わたしの おきにいりの どうぶつは パンダです。(My favorite animals are pandas.)  I used to have so many たれぱんだ (Tare Panda) things when I was じゅうにっさい (12 years old)。Tare Panda タオル (Towels), ほん、セーターとTシャツ (sweaters and T-shirts), かばん、弁当箱 (べんとばこ, or bento boxes), and much more.  By then, Tare Panda merchandise could only be found online since I discovered it about 10 years after it was popular, so my mother (おかあさん) spent a lot of time searching on eBay Japan for me.

Shopping on eBay Japan is my mom's hobby.  きもののショッピングはだいすきです。(She loves shopping for kimonos.)   

ほとんどの場合(Almost always) にちようびに きものをきる。(She'll wear a kimono on Saturdays.) She has so many (around 100, I think)!  I have about 13 kimonos.  Some are summer kimonos (yukata).  I had a pink one for my shichi-go-san.  My favorite kimono now is あか(red) with long sleeves.  Traditionally girls who turn 20 years old (はたち)wear kimonos with long sleeves, but I wore it to my uncle's wedding a few summers ago.  

Japanese weddings (にほんごのけっこんしき)are beautiful.  I love that the bride gets to wear a white kimono (with the wig and everything), a colorful kimono, and a traditional white wedding gown later.  The tea ceremony is cool, too.  I've been to 2 of my uncles' weddings, and I've seen pictures of my parents' wedding.  Someday I dream of having a Japanese wedding and being as pretty (きれい)as my mom was on her wedding day.

I wish I had しゃしん (pictures) of some of my kimonos or weddings I've been to to share, but I'm at college and they're all at home.


Ai said...

マヤさんの きもの の しゃしん を みたいです。こんど、もってきてください。

Unknown said...


I would like to bay the same kimono ( blue light) on the picture above. Would you help me to find it?

Isabelle ( France)